Sunday 25 September 2016

Same Old Faces

It's getting slightly weary that the same old faces keep on appearing on the scene.

Two former 'characters' in the story of the demise of Hereford United have recently resurfaced. The first, Jed McCrory, has always claimed innocence for his part in the saga.

McCrory has reappeared in football at Solihull Moors - - a newcomer to the National League this season after promotion from National North. The statement contains a number of bold claims about McCrory's past involvement in football, much of which has already been disputed by the supporters of the various listed clubs.

I've been contacted by McCrory on more than one occasion to 'set the record straight' and to repair his reputation. I'm not really sure how much repair I could do, if I ever felt such way inclined, when a judge wouldn't believe the evidence offered in the Swindon Town ownership court case -

Meanwhile, another face formerly associated with Tommy Agombar has also suddenly returned to my radar.

Andrew Green, introduced during the ill-fated takeover of Hereford United as Agombar's accountant, is now handling affairs at Herefordshire Recruitment Ltd, whose former Directors now include David Keyte and Stuart Blake, through his accountancy.

Blake's personal bankruptcy made front page news in the Hereford Times,, but the subsequent movements within the company that used to operate out of King Street are interesting.

A couple of weeks after Blake's bankruptcy all four Directors of the company, including Keyte, Blake, and Blake's son, resigned on the same day - - a new Director appointed a few days later, and the Registered Office address changed to one in Doncaster used by Andrew Green with some 160 other companies apparently registered to the same address. One of those is former Hereford United creditor Athelston Ltd, which once had Agombar as a Director.

The new Director at Herefordshire Recruitment Ltd is also an interesting character, with a history in waste management and other items -

The King Street offices are now empty and undergoing refurbishment.

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