Friday 21 October 2016

King Of The Hill

Rochdale's Keith Hill went on a bizarre rant this week.

The club faced a Tuesday night match at Swindon. Just over 3 hours down the motorway without traffic. However Hill wasn't happy, telling the BBC: "Something really needs to be done. We need a bit of help because the hotel, the cost that we go through - it's something you shouldn't have to do."

"We stayed all day in a hotel, and it's just not conducive to the type of energy that we want - it can get you really lethargic. There's too much coffee being drunk, too much idle time, too much time sleeping, and it's not the ideal preparation, but we can't trust the traffic to actually come down on the day."

Dear Keith, sod off.

You went overnight on Monday for a game you could have left Rochdale for on Tuesday at 2pm and still made kick off with 2 hours of delays? And that's unacceptable? If Swindon is an overnighter for the Spotland outfit on a Tuesday then so is half of the division.

A manager that cut his teeth as player and manager at the same Rochdale that bummed around the wrong end of League Two is now so soft he demands an overnight stop for a three hour journey?

We thought it was just the players, but managers thesedays are far too pampered.

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